Acupuncture in Bellingham, Washington
There are several options for acupuncture in Bellingham, including Fairhaven and Whatcom County outside of Bellingham. Acupuncture clinics are located in many of the Bellingham's neighborhoods, and we will list acupuncturists we discover practicing in the following neighborhoods of Bellingham:
Alabama Hill neighborhood, Barkley neighborhood, Birchwood neighborhood, City Center neighborhood, Columbia neighborhood, Cordata neighborhood, Cornwall Park neighborhood, Edgemoor neighborhood, Fairhaven neighborhood, Geneva neighborhood Happy Valley neighborhood, Irongate neighborhood, King Mountain neighborhood, Lettered Streets neighborhood, Meridian neighborhood, Mt. Baker neighborhood, Puget neighborhood, Roosevelt neighborhood, Samish neighborhood, Sehome neighborhood, Silver Beach neighborhood, South Hill neighborhood, South neighborhood, Sunnyland neighborhood, Whatcom Falls neighborhood, WWU neighborhood, York neighborhood
Acupuncture Points, Qi Energy Flow, and Acupuncture Meridians
Acupuncture influences the flow of energy or "qi" in the body, and we will explian how acupuncture works, how Qi flows, and how the acupuncture meridian lines are used to follow the acupuncture points which acupuncturists use to place the needles.
Acupuncture Needles, Acupuncture Safety
Acupuncture needles are very thin and we will describe them, show some pictures, and help you understand how acupuncture needles are used and what you can expect from your acupuncture session. We will also cover the safety issues associated with acupuncture.
Acupuncture Treatments & What to Expect
What to expect at your acupuncture session, including what to wear, how the acupuncturist prepares for the session, the acupuncture health questionaire (acupuncture intake form) and what insurance documents you may want to bring to your acupuncture appointment.
Acupuncture Appointments
How to make an appointment for acupuncture, how much time acupuncture takes, and how to schedule your acupuncture appointment. How many acupuncture treatments are necessary.
Acupuncture Treatments and Insurance Billing
Many health insurance carriers cover acupuncture treatments. We cover some of the rules for Washington State health insurance plans.